Korábban már megírtam, talán nem is egyszer, hogy a harmadik széria nemsokára megjelenő DVD-kiadásán huszonöt perccel hosszabb lesz az Unfinished Business, mint amit a tévében láthattunk. Az első megjelent értékelés nagy vonalakban le is írja, mire számíthatunk az extra jelenetekből:
This set includes two versions of the episode Unfinished Business – the original broadcast version AND a new "Ron Moore" version that's some 25 minutes longer. The new version isn't necessarily better. The broadcast version is tighter and has more dramatic impact, I think. BUT… the new version does fill in a lot more blanks. For example, the conflict between Lee and Kara is MUCH more personal in the longer version. Kara's actions are more sympathetic in some ways, in that you see that they're motivated by fear, but there are nastier moments too. Kara basically outs what happened right in front of Dee, and you definitely feel Lee's rage. On the other hand, you also learn that Dee knew what she was getting into from the very beginning, and married Lee knowing that it probably wasn't going to last. While all this new material does weigh down the narrative momentum, it also undeniably adds depth to these characters. You'll appreciate having the chance to see it. I should add that this longer version has its own new commentary by Moore as well.
Emlékszem, Ron Moore panaszolta is a podcastjében, hogy nem jutott idő Dee bemutatására az epizódban, és személy szerint örülök, ha kicsit több értelmet tudnak adni Kara motivációinak.
Az extrákról is van némi infó:
There's plenty more extras to enjoy, including I would guess around an hour's worth of deleted scenes (presented non-anamorphic) from the season's many episodes. These include some really terrific moments: Kara attempting to kill herself in Cylon captivity, Baltar telling Roslin that the Cylon heart doesn't feel like a human's (breaking Six's heart as she listens), Lee giving up his Commander rank to take over as Galactica CAG, Athena confronting Cally, hints that Baltar could be a Cylon and MUCH more.
Hát igen, van egy pár, ami igen érdekesnek tűnik, de egy órányi kivágott jelenet gyakorlatilag egy komplett epizódnyi idő, ha belegondolunk, ami azért nem semmi. Ezek mellett pedig helyet kaptak David Eick kitűnő videóblogjai, köztük olyanok is, amelyek az interneten sem jelentek meg.