A BSG 67 legjobb dialógusa (1-24.)

Na jó, most már aztán tényleg nincs mentség, egyszerűen nem tudtuk se
följebb, se lejjebb kerekíteni ezt a számot. A tetejébe még csaltunk is
egy picit, mert nem kizárólag párbeszédeket vettünk sorra, hanem minden
nemű beszélgetést. Nem tehettünk mást, annyira jók ezek az idézetek,
hogy egy az egyben kiírtuk vagy kimásoltuk őket, emiatt három
részletben is fogjuk őket publikálni, hogy emészthető legyen.
Referenciapontnak így mindig jók lesznek, még ha együltő helyünkben
lehetetlen is végigolvasni őket. Következzen tehát a Battlestar
Galactica hatvannégy legjobb dialógusa közül az első huszonnégy, az
első és a második évadból. Az elmaradhatatlan elmés megjegyzések mellől nem maradhattak ki az olyan gyöngyszemek, mint Kara és Leoben beszélgetése a Flesh and Bone-ban, Baltar istenkáromlása a Six degreesből, illetve Tyrol több oldalas gyónása Cavilnek.
Sztalkernek ismét köszönöm a nagy segítséget.



Adama: Morning, Starbuck, what do you hear?
Starbuck: Nothin' but the rain.
Adama: Grab your gund and bring the cat in.
Starbuck: Aye-aye, sir.

Lee: So what's the charge this time?
Kara: Striking a superior asshole.
Lee: Ah, I'll bet you've been waiting all day to say that one.
Kara:Most of the afternoon, yeah.

Lee: Sir, "Apollo" is just my call sign. My name is Lee Adama.
Roslin: I know who you are, but "Captain Apollo" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Starbuck: Permission to speak off the record, sir?
Tigh: Granted.
Starbuck: You're a bastard.


 Why did you allow the relationship to continue knowing it was against regulations?
Adama: I'm a soft touch.

Six Degrees of Separation

I don't see the hand of God in here. Could I be looking in the wrong place? Let me see. Proteins? Yes. Haemoglobin? Yes. Divine digits? No. Sorry. I'm sure I can find evidence of his divine hand in one of these delightful samples. After all, there are so frakking many I'm sure even I can be relied upon to find God in one of them.

Angel Six:
What is it that drives you to blasphemy, Gaius? A need to tempt fate?
Baltar: Boredom, actually. Indeed, every waking hour is spent in what some might say, has become my own personal religion. The Church of the Mystic Cylon Detector.
Angel Six: Are you finished? If you would give yourself over to God's will you'd find peace in his love as I have.
Baltar: Could you help me with this zipper? I'm having trouble.
Angel Six: He has a plan for us.
Baltar: How do you know it's a he?
Angel Six: There is only one, true God.
Baltar: Really? You running a glitch in the programme or something? 'Cause you say the same thing over and over again. Now, I've accepted your God and all that. Can't we reboot the hard drive?
Angel Six: He's not my God. He is God.
Baltar: Yeah, your God, my God, everyone's God. He's big enough for all of us, isn't he? Now, please. Please, honey. Can't we do something a little more elevating?
Angel Six: It's important you form a personal relationship with God. Only you can give yourself over to his eternal love.

Baltar: For God's sake! I can't take this anymore!
Angel Six: I'm trying to save your immortal soul.
Baltar: What you are doing, darling, is boring me to death with your superstitious drivel. Your metaphysical nonsense which, to be fair, actually appeals to the half-educated dullards that make up most of human society, but which, I hasten to add no rational, intelligent, free-thinking human being truly believes. Which leads me to the inescapable conclusion that Cylons are, in the final analysis, little more than toasters with great looking legs.


Flesh and Bone

Leoben: To know the face of God, is to know madness. I see the universe. I see the patterns. I see the foreshadowing that precedes every moment of every day. It's all there. I see it. And you don't. And I have a surprise for you. I have something to tell you about the future. 
Kara: Is that so? 
Leoben: It is. But we have to see this thing through till the end. What is the most basic article of faith? This is not all that we are. The difference between you and me is, I know what that means and you don't. I know that I'm more than this body, this consciousness. A part of me swims in the stream. But in truth, I'm standing on the shore. The current never takes me downstream.
Kara: This is worse than Galactica. And I didn't think that was possible. And what was that? Swimming in streams or something?
(Leoben Kara félretett étele felé nyúl)
Leoben: Do you mind? Thank you. Starving. Haven't eaten in days. 
Kara: Kind of bad programming, isn't it? I mean, why bother with hunger? 
Leoben: Part of being human. 
Kara: You're not human. How's your lunch? 
Leoben: You know how it is. When you're starving, anything tastes good. 

(egy őr váratlanul fejbeüti Leobent) 

Kara: Did that hurt? 
Leoben: Yeah, that hurt. 
Kara: Machines shouldn't feel pain… shouldn't bleed… shouldn't sweat. 
Leoben: Sweat. That's funny. That's good. 
Kara: See, a smart Cylon would turn off the old pain software about now. But I don't think you're so smart.  
Leoben: Maybe I'll turn it off and you won't even know. 
Kara: Here's your dilemma. Turn off the pain, you feel better, but that makes you a machine, not a person. You see, human beings can't turn off their pain. Human beings have to suffer… and cry, and scream, and endure… because they have no choice. So the only way you can avoid the pain you're about to receive is by telling me exactly what I wanna know. Just like a human would. 
Leoben: I knew this about you. You're everything I thought you would be. But it won't work. I won't tell you anything.
Kara: Maybe not. But then, you'll know deep down that I beat you… that a human being beat you… and that you are truly no greater than we are. You're just a bunch of machines after all. 
Leoben: Let the games begin.


Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down

Roslin: If you're a Cylon, I'd like to know.
Adama: If I'm a Cylon, you're really screwed.


Baltar:  I just don't respond to the title "Doc." A dock is a platform for loading and unloading material. My title is "Doctor" or "Mr. Vice President," if you don't mind.
Tyrol: You are loading, are you not? 

Tigh: Is he going to make it?
Cottle: How should I know? I'm not a psychic. Now get the hell out of here.


Starbuck: You know you guys suck, right? Can't shoot, can't pass, sure as hell can't take a point.
Anders: Everyone's a critic.

Roslin: Doctor, I need your help. But it's illegal, dangerous and a violation of your oath as an officer.
Cottle: You're a lousy salesman.

Roslin: Well, Mr. Zarek, it would seem that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Zarek: Call me Tom.

The Farm

Anders: You always such a bitch in the morning?
Starbuck: Count on it. 
Anders: My kind of woman.


Final Cut

Adama: You understand that even a hint of this could be devastating to the moral in the fleet?
D'Anna: You're a master of understatement.


Cain: Commander… why are you launching Vipers?
Adama: Please arrange for Chief Tyrol and Lieutenant Agathon to be handed over to my Marines as soon as they arrive.
Cain: I don't take orders from you.
Adama: Call it whatever you like. I'm getting my men.
Cain: You are making such a mistake.
Adama: I'm getting my men!

Resurrection Ship

The spirit of the law requires something more here than summary executions. 

Is this what the two of you have been doing for the past six months? Debating the finer points of Colonial law? Well, guess what, we're at war! And we don't have the luxury of academic debate over these issues. 

Cain: Frak you.
Gina: You're not my type.



Starbuck: You know, the president says that we're saving humanity for a bright, shiny future. On Earth. That you and I are never gonna see. Because we go out over and over again, until someday some metal motherfrakker is gonna catch us on a bad day and blow us away.
Lee: Bright shiny futures are overrated anyway.

Lay Down Your Burdens I.

Tory: Madam President, in my opinion, people vote their hopes, not their fears. Baltar is offering them what they want to hear, and you're offering them a bitter reality.
Roslin: I'm offering them the truth.
Tory: They don't want to hear the truth. They're tired, exhausted. The idea of stopping, laying down their burdens, and starting a new life right now is what is resonating with the voters.

Tyrol: I pray to the gods every night. I don't think they listen to me.
Cavil: Do you know how useless prayer is? Chanting and singing and mucking about with old half-remembered lines of bad poetry? And you know what it gets you? Exactly nothing.
Tyrol: You sure you're a priest?
Cavil: I've been preaching longer than you've been sucking down oxygen. And in that time I learned enough to know that the gods don't answer prayers. We're here on our own. That's the way they set things up. We have to find our own answers, our own way out of the wilderness, without a nice little sunny path all layed out in front of us in advance. 
Tyrol: That's what I'm trying to do. Trying to find my way.
Cavil: Well, it's not going to get better until you see what the problem is. And the problem is, you're screwed up, heart and mind. You. Not the–not the gods or fate or the universe. You.
Tyrol: Thanks for the pep talk.

Cavil: Let's, uh, let's talk about what happened.
Tyrol: I can't really believe it. Cally. I-I-I don't understand how I could do that to Cally. It's like it's a nightmare.
Cavil: She said you were asleep when she found you. Were you having a nightmare when she woke you up?
Tyrol:  I don't remember.
Cavil: Oh. Been having any recurring dreams lately?
Tyrol: No.
Cavil: Okay. That's what we in the pray trade call a lie. And lies aren't going to get you anywhere, my friend. So skip over the denials and the deceptions and let's get right down to it, shall we? You're having dreams. What are they? Tell me about your dream, Chief.
Tyrol: Every night– every night, it's the same.
Cavil: For how long?
Tyrol: Couple weeks.
Cavil: And you were having the same dream when Cally woke you up, weren't you?
Tyrol: I don't know. I don't remember. Maybe. It doesn't matter, does it? All I remember is Cally on the ground and the blood.
Cavil: She stopped you. By waking you up, she prevented you from carrying out your secret desire to kill yourself.
Tyrol: I don't have a secret desire to kill myself.
Cavil: Well, actually, you're right. It's not a secret. You obviously want to kill yourself. Question is why.

Cavil: Why are you running?
Tyrol: I'm not.
Cavil: How long are you going to do this? How long are you going to refuse to see what's right in front of your face? Forget it. I'm done.
Tyrol: What, you're– you're leaving?
Cavil: That's right. I'm done. I'm done dancing around the truth with you. You know what's going o n. But you can't or you won't face it, so… I'm not a therapist. I'm not going to hold your hand and help you along. I'm just trying to get you right with yourself and with your gods, but you're not willing to do it.
Tyrol: I don't even know what you're talking about.
Cavil: Oh for gods' sake, chief! Come on! You think you're a cylon.
Tyrol: I am not a cylon.
Cavil: Well, of course you're not. But that's what you're afraid of, isn't it? That you might be a cylon and not even know it just–just like Boomer, right? Right? That's the thought that's torturing your dreams and crippling your soul. I'm a cylon, just like Sharon, and I deserve to die.
Tyrol: Sharon didn't know what she was. She just kept thinking– feeling that she was going to do this terrible thing. But she knew that she had to stop herself before she did.
Cavil: And you think that's what you're going to do. Some terrible thing. Well, the truth is, you might. But not because you're a cylon. Because you're a human being, and human beings do terrible things all the time.
Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because T'm a cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings. There's not much more I can do for you. You're going to have to go back to work and try and leave all of this behind you.
Tyrol: No. I– I can't. I can't go back and face the deck people again. And Cally?
Cavil: Well, you'd better. That's the o nly family you've got. Just know that that's your family and that they love you. Even Cally. Especially Cally. If you doubt your humanity and your essential nature as a human being, all you need to do is look to them for the salvation you've been seeking from the gods. The gods lift up those who lift each other, Chief.


Lay Down Your Burdens II.

Adama:  Do we steal the results of a democratic election or not? Because if we do this we're criminals. Unindicted maybe, but criminals all the same.
Roslin: Yes we are.
Adama: You won't do it. You've come this far but you won't do it.
Roslin: Excuse me?
Adama: If you do this you'll die inside, move the cancer right to your heart. 

Adama: You're not listening.
Baltar: I don't have to listen. I'm the president.

Sharon: As long as you offer no resistance, you won't be harmed.
Baltar: How do I know that?
Doral: You don't. You also don't have any choice.
Baltar: Very well. On behalf of the people of the Twelve Colonies, I surrender.