A hétvégén zajlott le a Paley fesztiválon egy BSG/Caprica találkozó, amelyről nemsokára (dehogynem sokára) részletesebben is írok, addig is itt egy kis szemelvény Ron Moore-tól, amint a The Planről nyilatkozik:
8:59 PM – Seth [Green] wonders if the guys really had “a plan” for the show as noted in the opening credits.
“I just remember this conversation Ron [Moore] and I had,” David [Eick] reveals. “I was in the editing room, Ron was in his car on the way there and we were building the main title. And it ended with, ‘And they have a plan.’ And Ron was saying, ‘Are you sure we want to do that?'” Ron interrupts, “I actually said, ‘There is no fucking plan!'” David continues, “And I said, ‘You know, it’s good to say that, it’s a good idea. It’ll sort of coalesce the nature of this thing in such a way that it won’t feel bullshitty, it won’t feel like we were making it up as we go along. [Laughs.] And so at the last second we sort of agreed to do it and the idea that this last [movie] is called ‘The Plan’ is just like… [Laughs.].”
Na tessék. Mielőtt még bárki magyarázkodásnak fogná föl, énszerintem ezt a sztorit már hallottam vagy olvastam Moore-tól évekkel ezelőtt. És vicces. Mondjuk arra nem emlékeztem, hogy David Eick volt az ötletgazda, de az megmaradt bennem, hogy nem valami kreatív döntés eredménye volt az “And they have a plan”.